EIN Policy




Approved by the Delaware County Library System (DCLS) Board of Library Directors

2/6/97, Rev. 8/7/97, Rev. 11/4/1999

Revisions to include CIPA and County requirements approved by the Board on February 7, 2002

Revisions approved by Board on May 4, 2006 after public hearing on 3/2/06, Rev. 5/1/2008


In formulating our policy with regard to the Electronic Information Network (EIN) access, we have been guided by the following: The idea of free and unrestricted access to information is a fundamental principle of the public library tradition, and the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the United States. A library, as a public facility, must maintain an atmosphere conducive to enjoyment by all members of the public. Individuals afforded the freedom to use the library have a responsibility not to engage in offensive or disruptive conduct. The duty and obligation to guide the development of children and the discretion to restrict their access to information lies with the parents/legal guardians. A public library should be receptive to parental concerns, and seek means to cooperate with parents exercising their responsibility, consistent with the overall mission of the library. In compliance with County of Delaware network requirements and the Federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), technology protection measures have been placed on all computers in libraries.




  1. As specified by the County of Delaware and in the CIPA, the technology protection measure (filter) is intended to block access to adult materials and to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornographic or harmful to minors*. If you feel a web site was blocked or permitted incorrectly, please notify the library staff with the complete URL (web address) of the site.
  2. Although the technology protection measure (filter) is in place, it is not infallible and parents/legal guardians should continue to guide their child’s use of the Internet. Parents/legal guardians should be aware that the Internet includes online sites that contain or make reference to explicit sexual materials as defined in 18Pa.C.S. 5903 (relating to obscene and other sexual materials and performances.) Parents/legal guardians are expected to supervise their children's Internet sessions. Legal documents are available on the web site of Commonwealth Libraries: http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/library_codes___regulations/7224 (corrected 6/3/2014)
  3. The appropriateness of materials viewed by minors that is not covered by the technology protection measure (filter) should be determined by the parents/legal guardians.



* As defined by the Children’s Internet Protection Act

  1. Parents are expected to guide their child’s use of the Internet. DCL and this library have information available on such guidance.
  2. DCL and this library cannot be held responsible for the Internet's content, or for any misuse of copyright or any other violation.
    1. The Internet is a global entity with a highly diverse user population, and library patrons use it at their own risk.
    2. Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information. Users need to be good information consumers, questioning the validity of the information you find.
  3. DCL and library staff are not obligated to provide computer training.
  4. DCL and this library do not provide e-mail accounts.
  5. DCL and this library shall not be a party to any purchases of services or merchandise between any in-library Internet user and any other Internet user, and shall not be liable for any costs or damages arising out of such a transaction.
  6. DCL and this library are not responsible for any liability or expense users may incur in connection with the use of the Internet.
  7. DCL and this library strongly caution minors that they should not disclose personal identification information either in e-mail, chat rooms, or other direct electronic communication.
  8. DCL and this library advise adults to use extreme caution when disclosing personal identification information.




  1. To insure that the user has agreed to library policies, a user must have a current Delaware County library card. All other adult non-card holders must agree in writing on behalf of themselves or their children to follow Electronic Information Network policies. Users must also follow the local library’s behavior policies.
  2. Use of the Electronic Information Network computers is on a first-come, first-serve basis. To make the EIN service available to as many people as possible, library users share access to the EIN.
  3. Users are provided a minimum of 40 minutes uninterrupted use, up to two hours each day.
  4. Use beyond one hour may be granted at the discretion of the library staff based on demand.  Users agree to make the computer available immediately if asked by staff.
  5. Maximum of two people allowed at a computer at one time.
  6. Users may not use their own software programs on the Electronic Information Network computers. This will help prevent computer viruses that are common on public computers.
  7. Users must not download to the computer’s hard disk. Files downloaded from the Internet may not be opened on library Internet only computers.


WARNING: Although DCL uses a virus-scanner on the Electronic Information Network computers, this will not completely protect users from the chance of getting a virus. Software and other data downloaded from the Internet may contain a virus, and users need to have virus scanning software on their home computer. Neither DCL nor the local library is responsible for damage to a patron's disk or personal computer or other electronic device, or for any loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from use of the library's computers.


  1. Users will be charged $.25 per page printed in color, $.15 for black and white.
  2. Computers must not be used to gain access to the library's administrative networks or computer system.
    1. Users must not make any attempt to damage the library's computer equipment or software.
    2. Users must not make any attempt to alter software or hardware configurations.
    3. Users must not make any attempt to cause degradation of system performance.
  3. Users shall be considerate of others and use this service in a non-disruptive manner.
    1. Users must not consume large amounts of system resources or deliberately crash any library system computer.
    2. Users must at all times comply with the local library code of behavior.
    3. Users of the Electronic Information Network must be mindful that they are in a public building and must respect the presence of others.
    4. Users must not view inappropriate images or materials as defined by the Federal Children’s Internet Protection Act, including visual depictions that are obscene, child pornographic or harmful to minors.
    5. DCL has procedures for implementing this policy for use in libraries.
  4. Users must not use any library workstation for any illegal or criminal purpose. Users must not violate copyright laws or licensing agreements in their use of library computers.
  5. Violators may be prosecuted under Pennsylvania Law (24 P.S. Section 4427, P.L. 324, Art. IV Section 427, June 14, 1961 - Damaging Library Property). Violation will result in loss of access. Unlawful acts will be dealt with in a serious and appropriate manner, including, but not limited to, all costs to restore equipment and the Electronic Information Network to their proper operating condition. Parents/legal guardians are responsible for minors who violate this policy.
  6. Conduct in violation of this policy, or the library’s behavior policy, will result in loss of access to the Electronic Information Network.
  7. Users may not always be able to access the Internet sites they want to visit due to conditions on the Internet or the host site which are beyond the control of DCL and this library.


The policy is subject to periodic review and revision as needed.

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